Sunday, September 29, 2002

got my celica bit char-g the other day and a black "got adobo?" apron today... hahahaha life is definitely sweet.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

it's zero hour baby! first day of school starts tomorrow and boy i can't wait. =)

talking to steph earlier todayabout some of my plans for the coming year and mentioned how i felt like one of those retirees who starts taking up new activities... started going back to the gym, enrolled in a gymnastics class with my little bro, and entertaining the idea of returning to kendo... today also marked the day i finally put all my uc med school applications into their respective envelopes. no longer going to fuss over it. going to the post office tomorrow to send them out. one less thing to worry about.

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

finally found the time to sit down and type. been away from the apartment for about two days and yet it feels like more.

APSA is starting up again. we had out very first officer meeting of the year. it was long as usual, but it was nice to be back with a group of familiar faces. although, honestly, i don't know if i feel the same way i did about 3 months. i soon found myself tapping away at my palm pilot when i found the meeting heading a standstill...

structure is a good thing. i think it's something i've been missing these past couple of quarters. i'm one of those strange individuals that strives off of structure and finds ambiguity to be scary... although i do know that the world is not divided into strictly black and white i still find comfort in having boundaries and rules. maybe this is why i find people who are spontaneous so entrancing. it's the fact they don't seem to be limited by rules or constraints. as this quarter starts i can already tell it's going to be almost like return to my freshman year. school, work, studying, and then a sprinkling of social time... dude, i'm a nerd. =P

got to drive my dad's benz around the other day and it has clutchless shift... didn't really know what the heck i was doing... just shifted the car whenever i felt the need... looks so much more fun to shift a car on tv or while watching other people do it... to remedy this adam has graciously offered his services in teaching me how to drive stick. =) hope i don't ruin his transmission...

Sunday, September 22, 2002

with the start of the new school year comes the anticipation and hope that this year will be great. plus i always have extra cash to buy new clothes and toys. check out my latest toy! since most of you can't read japanese I'll tell you about it. it's called bit char-g (pronounced bit charge) and it's a tiny, only 2 inches, RC car modelled after realworld cars. steph first told me about it when terence told her that he wanted one. i was bored today looking for a new toy and happened to remember steph mentioning it. what could i say? i love toys. =D

it took me nearly 3 months to complete, but it's done. finally and absolutely done. that's right, both my uc and amcas applications are complete and ready to send out. just need to do a little photocopying and grab a little extra cash from my parents and my applications will be sent with the hope that at least one school will find me desireable. once i finish with the letter of recs my stress level will definitely be a notch lower.

went home today to check up on my family, drive my dad's benz, and to wash my car... afterwards i looked through the coat closet in the hopes of finding something cool. earlier i had found my dad's old scrubs and decided that i would take those back to my apartment. while opening up old garment bags i came upon something. my dad's government issue navy peacoat!!! i took it out from the garment bag and examined it with the same glee children save for opening christmas presents. the wool made the coat incredibly heavy and the statin lining was made the coat feel "oh so" good against my skin. i thought to myself, this coat will definitely come in handy during those freak san diego rainy days... only problem was the sleeves were too short. dayam... =/ should have figured it before... i'm about a couple of inches taller than my dad now. but that coat would've have looked awesome on me.

p.s. no matter how many times i try to organize my desk it always ends up getting trashed a couple of hours later... case in point... i spent 2 hours reorganizing all my papers and books into a managable pile this morning and now it's just crammed with crap again... big blue bowl, my mickey mouse cup, and a half eaten moon cake have taken up the remaining space which was supposed to be my work area... maybe if i didn't eat at my desk this wouldn't happen as often.

Saturday, September 21, 2002

"I don't feel like there's 3000 miles separating me from SD. I feel like I'm just on a short vacation and I'll be back in a couple weeks. It doesn't feel like I'm so far from everyone in SD." my sentiments exactly philip...

tongiht we unofficially celebrated jed's 22nd bday at margarita rocks in pb... funny thing, i think we were the youngest people at that place... i think the median age was about 40... at first we noticed a guy with a terrible receding hairline and then shortly made the realization that everyone else at this dance club/bar was old... not that there's anything wrong with it... old people need places to hangout too... just got me thinking how sad it is to see single 40 somethings trying desperately to find someone to hook-up with... made me dowright scared... i mean by this age you should have already found that special someone and settled down.... or so i say in accordance to convention... call me a helpless romantic or old fashioned, but i think by 30 everyone should be married or at least at point in their lives where they're ready to commit... either that or have a back-up plan, right steph? =)

i popped a couple of skittles into my mouth as i was typing and realized i had just brushed my teeth already so i spit them out... they left trails of orange, red, and green on the tissue paper as they slid down to the bottom of the waste basket...

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

fun boy #1 hits new york...

so it's official... philip will be leaving for new york tomorrow morning around 6... the feeling is definitely one i'll slowly have to get used to... not going to write a lot about how much i'm going to miss him or the things i will miss, because it's never really goodbye with phil... more like i'll see you later..

top ten phil moments/memories/adventures:

10) learning to throw a football
9) playing in the APSA office/SAAC lounge
8) learning how to surf
7) phil's c-walk
6)Triple K and the PERMzookie
5) worms and perfect dark
4) playing on-line while mayrin is away
3) QT with the Family
2) Spring Break '01 - West Coast!!!
and my number one memory of phil...
1) "what are you doing?... where do you want to eat?"

the picture of the day is dedicated to my partner in crime, the original fun boy, philip

Friday, September 13, 2002

finished at last! finished writing the most important part of my med school application, the personal statement... needs one last revision to remove the fluff and i'm done... now for the easy part or so i say...

Thursday, September 12, 2002

decided i needed to hammer out my personal statement and application once and for all... closed the door to my room and vowed not to come out until i had finished everything... unfortunately it was a bit counterproductive to lock myself in my room because i ended up just taking a nap. although I did wake up 15 mins later, like i had planned, I ended up going back to sleep for about 1.5 hours... not good... and now i'm sitting at my desk blogging away instead of working on my statement... i'm halfway through the much needed revisions and then i'll work on my extra-curricular activity stuff... feels like it's finals week. not in the sense that i have tests to worry about, but in that sense i have more free time than i'm used to and I'm wasting it playing on the internet (chat, e-mail, playing games) take for instance this game i like to play. i'll randomly go to a personal website and try to see if i can make my way back to my blog or at least back to someone's blog i know of. so far i've only been slightly successful. however, i have managed to find a couple of interesting personal websites via this little hansel and gretel game i play. it's the whole voyeuristic pleasure i guess which makes looking through other blogs and personal pages so interesting. you can look through all you want and only if you want them to know you can let them know you had paid them a visit. i really admire the people that write well... you can tell who those people are... these are the ones when you read one blog you want to read through more. getting to know them through their thought processes and how well they can communicate them... almost as if by reading their blogs you've made a connection with this person.

within 2 weeks school will start up again and the beginning of the fun crew diaspora...
the more time i spend at work the more i realize how much i like it... never really liked the idea of doing research as a career, but this job has definitely opened my eyes to the possibility of doing research as a doctor...

lately the apartment has been quiet and lonely... both good and bad... good in that i get to work on my med school application which has been sadly ignored most of the summer... bad in that i'm lonely... =( usually at times like this i would call phil, mayrin, or steph... so this is what the rest of school year will be like? hmmmm... not so sure i'm ready for the change...

came to the conclusion that the turtles are indeed evil... walking past their tank i saw them fighting over the last surviving goldfish in the tank... the poor guy, i really thought it was going to last since it had grown so big and fat.. i guess being so fat it just slowed it down...the thing was i had just feed all of them; the goldfish and the perpetually hungry turtles. it was like coming across a bloodly car wreck... couldn't help but watch... call it my scientific hunger for knowledge... i just reminded of when i was younger i would go into the backyard and do my own nature documentaries... i would take the hose and flood a section of my parent's garden and watch as all the bugs would come out... so interesting to see how the different bugs tried to survive the freak rain storm i had produced... it was like watching those documentaries of when the amazon floods and it floods so high even the monkeys are looking for refuge... hahaha... can't believe i remembered that =)

Sunday, September 08, 2002

today marked the last day of viewing for my grandfather alberto tiong which lasted from friday afternoon to saturday afternoon... i guess you would say that at this point in the grieving process i'm inbetween sorrow and acceptance... the past two days have been exhausting for our whole family especially my mother who has taken care of most of arrangements... as a friend put it to me in an e-mail it was time now to celebrate his life... my grandfather was a man that was greatly loved as was apparent by the showing of his friends and family... it even provided me and an opprotunity to get together with my cousins who i hardly see since i moved out of the house... sitting outside the chapel today me, my bro and my dad talked about his life and what a character he was... the hardest part was the end when we had to close his casket... beforehand me, my bro and cousins stood around him just touching his hair and his hands until it was time to really say goodbye... undoubtedly the most heartbreaking moment was when my mother was asked to close the casket lid and she told us as her voice gave out to say goodbye to our lolo one last time... for my mother she still has a couple more days to go... she'll be flying to philippines where my grandfather will be buried next to my grandmother...

for myself now i can begin to heal...

Thursday, September 05, 2002

drag queens and research...together at last!

today was todd's last day... todd is the lab assistant i'll be replacing at the research clinic i'm working at... to say that the lab has a very liberal attitude towards everything would be an understatement... no surprise here that the former location of the clinic was above Lips,a drag queen restuarant/show... plus it's only a couple of blocks away from the heart of hillcrest... back to the title of this blog... turns out that todd is also a drag queen... today during his goodbye lunch he dressed up as not only one drag queen, but two! Clamydia Concubine and another name which i forget... wish i had my digi cam with me today... that would've made it as my pic of the day... hahaha... anywho, did i say that this lab is one of the most relaxed places i've worked in?

today's pic of the day

Monday, September 02, 2002

with all the beauty in the world and a digital camera to capture it all i've decided to post up pics of the day/week/month/whatever,,,

Sunday, September 01, 2002

love you

after fighting the good fight my lola, alberto tiong, passed away yesterday; saturday, auguat 31st, 12:45pm... ever since he was in the hospital my family and i have been in a state of semi-mourning... he can finally rest and be with his "mrs."... we went to see him shortly after his passing... all the times i saw him there i tried to hold back the tears, but saturday i left it all out, held his hand and wept... felt good to cry... seeing his picture i can hear his voice... he always talked to me in english whereas my parents always talk to me in tagalog... he would also make up short silly songs for me and my little bro... i'm sure now if he saw me crying he would sing "anak why are you cry? cry are you why anak?" and then laugh... almost yoda-esque =)...

so many things i wanted to tell you and ask you lolo before you left... i miss you and love you very much...