Friday, November 30, 2001

it's raining

despite the fact i may bitch and moan about not having enough time to do everything i'm going to try and devote some time to blogging my thoughts... my one means of providing time for me...

well today it rained much of the day. despite the fact people don't seem to like the rain, i for one love it! perfect time to play outside or just snuggle up to take a nap. just about the best feelin in the world in to be warm and cozy in bed while it rains outside... no other feeling like it. such a great feeling in fact my roomie. David, slept in for much of the day missing a midterm. how you ask? well, usually david guages how much time he has to get ready for class by seeing if i've already left for class myself. if i'm still sleeping it means he has time... if i'm gone then it means he should be getting ready. well, (this is the funny part) when i got home at around 2 pm from my class david was still sleeping and i decided go take a nap. well, when david looked over to my bed he saw that i was sleeping and apparently the sun hadn't come out yet. but in fact because of the rain clouds it looked like 5 am in our room most of the day... when david finally woke himself up to look at the clock he realized that it was close to 3pm and had missed his vietnamese midterm... well, luckily he was able to reschedule it... so yes, let this be a lesson to you, don't use your roomies as alarm clocks or maybe a better one would be if my roomie had been up to study for his finals then none of this would have ever happened...

today marked the official end of fall quarter for me. no more classes! just finals and lots, lots, and lots of reviewing... i even bought a white board to do reaction mechanisms and other nerdy things over and over again. it's one of the proven ways i know that'll help me to retain all this info. writing it down or teaching it to someone. and sadly i don't have anyone to teach this stuff too... today was also supposedly the last meeting of triple k for the quarter, but plans didn't solidify due to the obvious fact that it was 10th week. well, looks like we'll be getting together for dim sum after finals are done with...

oh yeah, so it's really quite sad and despressing that up until now i never knew how to throw a football, errr... well, throw one properly... in fact, quite emasculating to think about it... well, today my partner in crime, philip, dragged me outta bed from my nap to teach me the fine art. i would liken my mentality to that of carlton banks on the fresh prince... i felt so sheltered learning how to throw a football like i had been denied this rite of passage growing up... despite the fact i felt like a little 5 year old when i threw it and probably looked like one it was quite nice to finally be able to say i can , somewhat, throw a football...afterwards i felt like a whole new world was opened for me... hahahaha... so funny i just have to laugh at myself... =)

Thursday, November 29, 2001

On the verge of panic...

it's 1 am thursday of week 10... my first final is approximately 5 days away... i'm torn between studying my classes in the order i'll be taking my finals or studying the material i know least... for now i've opted to option number one... so, i finally finished reading everything i needed to read for my bacteriology final, which doesn't necessarily mean i'm ready for it... case in point, i was working on the practice final and came to the realization that most of the material covered in the first half of the course had left my brain... the only things left of that info were remnants of key terms and mechanisms... now i'm going about studying for this final the hard way... i have to go through every chapter and write up a summary of the material that way i can remember it. i'm not the type of person that easily memorizes things by just reading it... i need to either say it out loud or write it out to commit it to memory...anywho, looks like it's going to be a long night before i can get any sleep...

dream log november 28, 2001
for a while now i've been looking for sheets so my wifey, steph, can turn them into a duvet for my down comforter... i still have yet to find the perfect one...with that info in hand here's my dream... i walk into the linen store me and david passed through when we went outlet shopping at veijas a while back... an older asian women asks me what i want... i tell her i'm looking for sheets to turn into a duvet... she brings me around the store which is piled high to the ceiling with comforters in plastic bags. she pulls out a set but i decline them and she pulls out another which i also decline. i tell her i'm looking for something dark blue and yellow. she brings out a yellow and white checkered sheet. i'm a bit frustrated so i decide to wander the aisles myself. i can't seem to find anything i like and every other thing i pull out is a wool blanket... that's basically it... nothing weird, sexual, or mysterious about it... pretty benign dream, huh? check back tomorrow... maybe they'll be something a little more interesting

Wednesday, November 28, 2001

shoot me

to quote my buddy philip "just put a bullet to my head..." despite the great outlook i didn't end up falling asleep until 4 in the morning last night.. err... this morning... it's about 2 in the morning despite eating and taking a nice hot shower i'm still tired and cranky... anything and everything is bugging me right now... so it's best that i have minimal people interaction... i'd much rather have my personal anger eat away at me than me going off on someone i cared about... aiyo.. it's just one of those days where you've done so much and yet there is still more to do... i studied for about 5 hours today at clics and yet i still feel like i didn't learn anything while sitting at my oversized desk... luckily i haven't hit the panic phase yet, that isn't due until monday.... right now i'm just at that point were i'm just saturated with what i already know and that if i add anything else it'll all just come pouring out. the agenda for tomorrow is pretty much the same... (try) wake up early, study before class, dinner, and then study at clics till closing... notice how i gained more study time by omitting breakfast and lunch? yes, just another one of my impromptu experiments... hopefully this one won't end up killing me... =P

so yes, i did remember my dream. it was qutie vivid in fact. i told both stephs about it this morning and roomie steph said it must have been the hot pockets we had before we went to bed. that must have been it because my dream was pretty crazy... i would go into the details of my dream but to prevent any misunderstandings i won't. let's just say that a lot of the things i said in my dream were actually thoughts i had in my head before i went to bed. necessarily that wouldn't be something i would be afraid to discuss but considering the situations in my dream it would be better if i just left it at that.

Tuesday, November 27, 2001


that's basically the only word that can adequately describe my state of mind... it's a good and bad thing... good in that i'll actually be able to get to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early to get some studying done... bad in that i think i may be pushing myself a little too hard and getting myself sick... today at CLICS i had a pounding headache before our 10th week APSA officer dinner... but after getting some food into me and getting a couple of laughs out i was feeling a whole lot better. the end of the quarter is approaching faster than i had hoped... just thinking about the fact i only have one week to prepare for 2 very difficult finals is enough to keep me tossing and turning before i fall asleep.... i'm also implementing another little experiment this week... among the first things i do when i wake up will be to log onto blogger and document my dreams... hopefully this will help me to remember them with more detail and eventually help me to regain the lost art of lucid dreaming... speaking of which although my dreams have become more vivid and i can remember then more often it's been harder for me to fall asleep... anyone have any suggestions to help besides counting sheep? well, like i said before i'm tired so i'm going to try to catch some z's and wake up early tomorrow...

Sunday, November 25, 2001

Hell Week

before i get to the meat of this blog just want to give a HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY to PHILIP LI!!!... it is on this day 22 years ago the world was forever changed, altered, modified, deformed, and in general a more booty place with his pressence... happy birthday ya big baby! =P

my friends that know me well know that i worry a lot and tend to over reactive... today has been no exception to the rule. just so many different thoughts going through my head... yesterday i was reunited with two very good friends of mine from high school and elementary school. my friend joseph whom i've known every since 1st grade has always been there with his crazy smile and "holy" radiance and khrizna is just about the sweetest and smartest girls i've ever had the pleasure of knowing. the three of us decided to meet up at starbucks and catch each other up on our lives since we last saw each other. khrizna is very much in the same boat as i am with nursing school and pressure of living up to expectations. the first thing that came out of her mouth when she saw me was "reggie! what's wrong? you looked so stressed out..." we both talked about our future plans and how the competition in our major (she's a mammalian physio major at UCLA) is so incredibly fierce.. the one thing that came out of our talk was that as long as i have the drive nothing can stop me. and joseph... hmmm joseph is just my comic relief.. talking to him always puts a smile on my face and the fact he never really intends for me to laugh makes it all the better. =) at first i was a bit peeved i had wasted my day sleeping in, going to a family party, and then going out to have coffee (which seemed counter-productive), but in the end it was the recharge i had badly needed. in fact i was so inspired that i was able to study in my apartment which is something i haven't been able to do since i've moved in.

haven't really told you what's been eating at me today... well, today i went to go study with my female partner in crime Hai and during the second half of our study session i was nagged by the question of what to do with my summer? i mean, a fairly simple straight forward question that doesn't really warrant much thought but then i started thinking about alternatives to going back to asia which was the original plan sicne last year. which brought into my head that i have massive amounts of debt which are looming over my head and that i should first pay those off before i do anything. which lead to the notion of working for johns hopkins for another summer. that opens up a whole new door because now the los angeles site which i worked at for the past two summers has been broken into two separate sites, one at loyola and another at pepperdine... too long and complicated list of pros and cons for me to really get into depth but the possibility still remains that i might not be going back to the philippines as soon as i would have hoped. also, the hospital which i applied to volunteer for hasn't called me back which worries me and again my bills are starting to eat away at my already low savings. the thought of money always brings me back to my parents, god bless them, who pay for everything as my roomies can attest to. i know they never complain to me about the money i'm spending here at school, but i know that they are expecting a lot out of this huge investment. my mom the other day while we were driving told me that as long as i study and get good grades i shouldn't worry about anything else, but it's hard not to worry about these sacrifices they're making for me. in fact, i know that my poor little brother is getting negleted due to the fact all my family's resources are going into the making of the future Dr. Saldivar (has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?) i want to be able to say all this hard work was worth the pain and that hopefully my friends understand that it may mean they'll have to make due with my pressence in spirit rather than body... basically boils down to finding that way to make it as a pre-med student while at the same time not forgetting my friends.. "ta ma de..." so hard to find that all important balance... anywho, i studied for 8 hours today and now it's my time to relax, watch some tv, play some video games, and get a good night's rest...

Wednesday, November 21, 2001

thanksgiving eve

i bought the turkey and the roomies bought the rest... thanksgiving eve dinner is going to be great... good food and great friends... i can't wait...


definitely had my fill of delicous food today. the menu consisted of turkey (of course), mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, baked vegatables, rice, brownies, cheesecake, and apple pie. special thanks to Mayrin, Phil, Jimmy, and Eric for sharing thanksgiving eve with the roomies... unlike steph's grandmother i didn't start cooking at 4 in the morning, but started at around 12 in the afternoon. the food was good nevertheless and the friends were even better. while cooking dinner i had the overwhelming feelings of happiness and just got the giddiness that only comes around the holidays. me and steph even put together a christmas cd. i'm looking forward to christmas break which is coming in about 2 weeks. at this point i think everyone in the apt is tired. jas is in her room with jeremy, steph went back to jimmy's, and david has once again beat me to sleep. in fact, he is still wearing his dress clothes! i really don't get it.... how do you fall asleep without brushing your teeth or changing clothes?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2001

9th Week, Day 1

Today i woke up before 10 for once and was wide awake and alert. again i was able to dream. however, at this moment what i remember from the dream escapes me. the dentist i sent my resume to called me this morning and asked me to come in for an interview. despite my "wonderful resume" and limited dental experience he was looking for someone who actually knew something about teeth. but it's all good because i made some good networking because he said he would forward my resume to his local doctor friends if they were looking for an assistant. his current assistant also suggested i send out my resume to doctors as well, which is something i intend to do. i have the whole day ahead of me which translates to... go study! be back tonight

2 AM

just about to call it a night... i've just brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on my pjs... i do believe this is the earliest i will have gotten to sleep. actually, my roomie, david, is fast asleep right now... i think the moment he put his head on his pillow he began snoring. if only i could fall asleep that fast. actually his snoring isn't too bad now... it's almost reassuring in a funny way... kinda like sleeply in the vicinity of a big bear... puahahahaha... alright, i'm outtie... been studying too long and found myself actually enjoying what i was doing...

9th week

well, the weekend has passed and the start of 9th week is upon me. props to janet and my roomie steph for putting together an awesome high school conference. honestly, despite the (many) things that went wrong with the conference it was awesome. i'm so glad that i have such an awesome individual that i can call my roomie.

with only 2 two weeks to gear up for finals i'm starting to feel the crunch of time upon me. i'm also starting to worry about the many little tasks i set out to do about 2 weeks ago. I still have yet to be placed in a job, volunteer my time at a hospital, or find a professor to do research with. in fact, i still haven't registered for my mcat course which i should have done this weekend. if by tenth week i haven't done any of these things please dop my apartment and kick my ass. cuz i think that'll be the only way for me to get it done. honestly, it's not like i haven't been trying because my friends can attest to the fact that i've been trying hard to get all these things done. i also finally locked myself in my room and wrote a practice mcat essay in which i failed miserably. i'm not all too sad about it though because i know writing is the only means i'll be able to improve my writing skills.

despite the fact i haven't been able to sleep at a reasonable hour in the past 3 weeks i have noticed that i can remember my dreams again which is something i haven't been able to do for a long time. in something like a dream i went after high school conference to mt. palomar to watch the meteor shower. the night time sky was clear on the mountain and provided the perfect seating arrangement to watch shooting stars race across the sky. it was also a very nice way to relax after the high stress day of high school conference. however, now with high school conference out of the way there is no excuse for me to not put 100% of my efforts into school. with my battery fulled recharged i think i'm ready to fly into this week. the battle plan for the week is to catch up and review for finals as well as try to avoid all social situations until wednesday night which will be our roomie thanksgiving day dinner.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

Hectic but Rewarding

After a small little episode in which i thought i wouldn't be able to make it as a med school student i've managed to pick up the pieces and start off running.... in a very short time period I went from thinking i should extend my education by another year to just taking it all one day at a time. i've come to conclusion to drop the idea of a chinese minor and have focused my attentions at the goal at hand, med school. in the search for medically related jobs and research projects I've found a couple of opportunities which look really promising.
i've also be able to focus more time to my studies while finding the balance between work and play. today i was able to revive the lost art of playing back at international gardens which really made me happy. i seriously had forgotten how much fun it is to just play around in mayrin's and steph's place when neither or them are home. =D unfortunately, finding that balance has meant sacrificing one little thing. it's sleep. i haven't been able to go to sleep at a reasonable hour for almost 3 weeks now. it's gotten so bad I skipped all my classes wednesday to catch up on some much needed rest. i've been trying to find the time to sleep, but it's no use trying. if i'm not working on homework, it's APSA related stuff, or even just doing stuff I need to do like laundry or eating. today i got home at around 1:30 am and yet i sit here at my computer typing away at my blog. aiyo~... in conclusion though my academic and social life are good. check back in during finals week and we'll see if i'm singing the same song.

Monday, November 12, 2001

What happened?

The weekend started off so promising... spend time with roomie and study. those were the only two things i really wanted to get done this weekend. unfortunately i didn't get much of either task done. I"M SO SORRY STEPH! =( the blame can be placed on me for not just taking the time out and just kicking it with her. it was pretty crazy becuase the moment we were going to sit and watch the movie she rented our other roomie came back from Stanford Conference. anywho, pretty much we've just been on conflicting schedules all weekend.

however i was able to get my weekly mah jong fix with the Triple K crew at a different location and night. i think this marks the first time Tracy has been able to play mah jong with us since the start of the school year. we were also able to break-in Emiko's new set of penalty cards at tonight's/morning's game. Well the sun is about to rise which means it's time for me to get some much needed rest. i doubt my sleep cycle will ever get back to normal... bleh =P

Saturday, November 10, 2001

quote of the day/month/year

"Life is painful, but suffering is optional." honestly one of my most favortie quotes and especially relevant during this time of transition for me...

Thursday, November 08, 2001

Again Life Goes On...

i never really understood the old cliche "to take life one day at a time" and i think today i'm finally starting to realize the true meaning of it... after going to my pre-med advisor today i've come to the conclusion life doesn't always go according to plan... case in point, according to my original plan i was going to graduate in 4 years take a year off to play or whatever and then dive into med school... but now it doesn't seem so clear cut as it used to be... now i'm coming to grips with the possibility i may not get into the med school of my choice which really makes me question my abilities... but after thinking, thinking, more thinking, and talking upon talking my friend's have helped me to realize that life isn't about making neat little plans, but rolling gracefully with the punches... but it wasn't all bad news coming out of that meeting with my pre-med advisor, he really helped me to see that although it won't be easy it's something i can definitely handle if i really push myself... all day today i've just been thinking how i want to restructure my life and in the process i ended up stressing out and just thinknig about how there is just no time for me to do all i need to get done... anywho, i realized that all these little things can't be dealt with all at once like i want to and that i really do need to take my time enjoy it because i will only be given this opprotunity once.. special thanks to my wifey steph ng, philip, and my roomie for listening to my pyscho-babble... i know i tend to react and then think afterwards... =)

Saturday, November 03, 2001

Life Proceeds

well, the news wasn't great when i went into academic advising today... in fact, the news hit me hard and quite honestly disrupted my nice little neat plan i had for college and my career in general... however in hindsight thanks to some very good friends i've come to the realization that is just merely a set back and nothing much i can do to change the facts... without getting into too many details today i received the wake-up call i had been waiting for... i went to the bookstore bought up some fatty fat mcat prep books, looked for some prep classes to enroll in, and got two chapters from my mcat review outta the way... afterwards i felt much better and in fact got back into the groove with my "family" whom i rarely see because of our busy schedules... tomorrow looks like it might be another saturday study session, but we'll see how it turns out... i think i can sleep happy tonight knowing that my best really is good enough... =)