Friday, July 20, 2001

2nd Session Social

First off.. let me explain the premise of a social... for younger students who may be too intimidated to attend a "dance" the younger student staff uses the word social in its place... we basically show a movie and have games for the shy kiddies and we DJ a dance for the rest of them... tonight's social, Pajama Jam, was a great success due in part to the use of glowsticks by the kids... i really think the glowsticks helped the kids get over the barrier or dancing in front of their peers... anywho, i'm tired and hungry which means it's time for a bulgogi run with my boys =)..

Thursday, July 19, 2001

Session 2, Day 5

Hi people! I apologize for not being able to update my blogs as often as i like but I've been very busy... we just got a new set of students for the second session of this camp... i truly and honest to god miss my old kids! it's kinda funny cuz i really couldn't stand them but not having the same old faces to look at made me sad... my new kids in comparison are actually very well behaved with the exception of two little bastards, but i still miss my old hall with all their imperfections...

aside from the kids i've made some pretty good friends with the people i'm working with... thanks god they've actually hired some asian people this time around... it's weird because the program has mostly white and asian kids in their classes, but last year there were only a handful of asian staff members... this time around i'm not the token asian staff member which is great... i've become pretty good friends with two other young student male RA's who are definitely making my summer lots of fun... although i hate to admit it we've become pretty clichish in our group... in fact we've named ourselves S.E.S. (korean music fans will be able to relate) and we make bulgogi runs on a nightly basis. Ted is a second year at Duke University but he's originally from Taiwan and Sam is a third year at Amhurst College. this past 4 weeks we've all gotten pretty close and it's sad to think in only 2 weeks we'll be going our separate ways... i'll post up the sticker pics as soon as i get back home and get a good computer which will hopefully be soon... today we made a trip to Santa Monica Pier where Ted decided to get a Henna Tatto.. it didn't turn out too well so i guess we're going back tomorrow to make the lady redo it for him... i'm deciding whether or not to get a cartilage piercing while i'm here in LA or a tat on my back... hmm...

anywho, yesterday SES went to the movies where ted had the bright idea to watch legally blonde.. although entertaining the movie wasn't oscar material... so now ted owes me and sam a movie next night out... jurassic park 3 here we come! =)

Sunday, July 08, 2001

Day Off

Tomorrow is my first day off of the session and i'm pretty excited... i told my kids today that i was going to have a day off tomorrow and they all let out a little "awwww" when i told them. =) it's really good to know that your kids really like you and not just your tv... anywho, the plans are to go to magic mtn with ian and just have a day of fun.

my plans for working out everyday seem to be fading away fast... the only active stuff i've been doing thus far has been playing dodge ball, swimming, and dancing every friday night... so much for turning myself into a gymnatist over summer vacation... =P` oh yeah, on top of that i've developed an addiction to bulgogi... i think just about very night off i've been to Hodori, a 24 hour korean resteraunt, in Korea Town... i surprised they haven't dedicated a table to me yet... hahahha.... so yeah, i've been dubbed the bulgogi slut since the past two times we've been out i haven't had any money to pay for my food... don't worry though, it should be all good as long as i pay back the ppl that paid for my dinner... okie, i'm outtie.. me and ian are goig to kick it tonight an play some playstation and enjoy our day off! woo hoo!

Tuesday, July 03, 2001

Damn it's hot...

Well, the kids are finally asleep and i can sit down and collect thoughts.... the weather gods here is LA must be mad or something cuz they've just been giving us the most shitty weather possible.... it's hot and humid under a blanket of smog and cloud cover... not good weather for enjoying the summer... =P`... i just took a shower and already i feel sticky which means i'll be taking another shower before bedtime... ohhh... and just now i heard the clap of thunder.. looks like they'll be rain coming tonight...

today as an activity for the kids we're having them make their own movies... one of which is turning out to be really funny... my group of kids wants to make a movie about the Croc Hunter with a parody of the matrix and blair witch project all rolled into one... definitely something to watch when i come back home... anywho, last night me and some of the other RAs went to go watch A.I. articificial intelligence... let me just say the film is awesome... although i disapprove of the ending and the how long the movie was it was a very thought provoking movie which is what i loved about it... it's pretty funny how these kids are fascinated with the aspects of my social life... as i was leaving for the movies my kids spied on my from their rooms and somehow came to the conclusion i was on a double date with 2 of the female RAs working with me... in fact, today my kids said they were going to blackmail me with the "secret information" they had on me... i'm still on the fence about whether i like my kids or not...

in other news me and ian went to downtown LA to get some business finished with my CalVet college waiver stuff... we went to the franchise tax board office in this really big government building located in the heart of downtown... when me and ian got out of the elevator the heat of about 50 in line hit us... it was just a madhouse up in that mug! seriously, all those ppl stank... or at the least enough ppl were stank to make the whole damn place stank... so anyway, i made the executive decision to not wait in line and just explore downtown with ian... we didn't get to travel very far since we were sidetracked into the nearest McDonalds... however, i know me and ian will be hitting up downtown again to see what kind of bargains we can find on the streets... walking around for the short time we were there i noticed that downtown LA is so very different from the downtown in San Diego... besides the sheer size of the metropolis the whole dynamic of the city is very different... it's hard to explain but trust me the vibe is different...

Sunday, July 01, 2001

Fun in the Sun

well, it's been a week since the kids have arrived and i'm dead beat tired... the RAs calculated we've spent a total of 60 hours straight with our kids this weekend... let me tell you, as much as i love my kids, this weekend was looooong... and let me tell you i'm glad that they'll be going back to class tomorrow. =) good news though, i'll be going with my class on their field trip to the LA museum of modern science and IMAX theater so it should be a fun day when we go...

the weather gods seem to be angry with us RAs because as soon as the kids left for study hall clouds and chilly winds came to LA... it was just in time to bring gray cover over the little pool party we had planned for... fun crew never lets gloomy weather get in the way of fun so we swam nevertheless and the water was quite refreshing.... tomorrow the plans are drive to downtown LA and find the california tax board office and get m tax return print out for my CALVet stuff... i think the sun has drained me of my energy to write creatively... anywho, check back often i should have some interesting happenings from my adventures in LA...