Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Still in Los Angeles

sorry about the really shitty blog last time... i was a bit tired and short on imagination... anywho, i'm back to normal... somewhat. this year i don't seem to have the same energy i had for my kids that i did back last year... i'm constantly tired now and i i honestly don't look forward to seeing my kids after they come back from classes... i think they should just pay me to kick it with all the RAs which is definitly the best part of this experience... well, i failed to mention a couple of things in my last blog so i'll try to cover them in this one since i don't know when i'll update this thing again...

well, during our orientation period a male RA position opened up so i decided to bring up ian's name since he lives in LA anyways... anyways, i'm sure you've guess what i was about to say anyway which is Ian was hired! =) he actually works with the older students so i don't see him that often although me and him are working on this weekend's casino night... i'm sure you want to hear all the stories i have about my new kids and definitely i do have stories to tell... let me start off with the kids who i think are so cool that if i could i would shrink them and take them bake home with me... there's this one little chinese boy from england who has the just about the most cute accent i've heard on a kid... it's hard to convey his cuteness factor into words but trust me, if they made a little action figure of this boy it would be the next tickle me elmo... in terms of my past kids it's really weird to see how they've all grown bigger... it's pretty cool though to be able to talk to my former kids and see how their year was and to see how i compare as an RA... hahahaha...

apsa dance routine mafia hits los angeles! i've begun to train a new army of dancers for the summer... for a weekly activity me and my friend sarah have taken upon ourselves to teach hip hop dance to these kids... although not quite up to 220 material they're getting there...

anywho, today was mandatory fun day for the young student RA's... we spent the day at the beach relaxing and talking about how much we can't stand our kids... =P`... dude, these kids have just sucked the creativity out of me... this blog is pretty shitty... no detail or anything really interesting... well... my day off is coming up on the 9th and the plans thus far are to sleep in and hit up magic mtn with ian and hopefully anyone else who would be interested... the weather here in La has been pretty strange either it's super hot or cool and chilly... decide already mother nature! being out in the sun isn't good for my skin either... the farmer's tan i got last summer was slowly fading away but now has come back with a vengene ever since the southern california sun got a hold of me... damnit! anywho, i'm tired, sticky, and need my nap cuz i'm getting cranky... until next time... matta!

Monday, June 25, 2001

Los Angeles

well, i arrived in los angeles on thursday and my trusted celica was filled to the brim with all my junk. (ie. computer, tv, vcr, clothes, etc etc) i'm really quite surprised it all fit. the first couple of days i really didn't spend much time getting to know the new young student male RAs which i felt sorta guilty for, but no biggie... we're now all friends =) tunday the students arrived and surprisingly all the students on my hall make up the whole classroom. that poor instructor, she's left with 15 very rowdy boys. luckily my kids aren't all that bad in fact they are all pretty well behaved. however, i'm debating whether or not my choice of wanting children is such a good one... i see how the bads ones can turn's like having 15 big babies.. puahahaha jk.
aside from the children... the people i'm working with are awesome, basically everyone is new except for a few old returners who are looked upon with great diginity and wisdom...=) today the male RAs went down to westwood to do some lunch time bonding over lunch at noodle planet... we didn't get to make a side trip to dede reese because we were sidetracked by boba which wasn't as good as the stuff from green tea house... currently the phones on my hall are all broke and my key still doesn't open the front door to my building which was gotten to be a real bitch... anywho, i'll update you all on my adventures in LA as soon as i find some more free time... i think i've left my hall unattended long enough....

Tuesday, June 19, 2001

The End of an Era

As you can tell from my past recent blogs the general theme of them has something do to with the closing of the school year and beginning of summer break. In following with the general theme of things we come to the packing up and moving out of a year's worth of memories. Well, tonight marked the last night Fun Crew (minus one) will ever spend in International Gardens. Granted when i was saying my goodbyes the significance of tonight really didn't hit me until now. Thinking back, i'm seriously going to miss the place I called "home". Undoubtedly the downstairs neighbors won't give it a second thought that their noisy upstairs neighbors will be finding another place to reside this coming fall or that they mysteriously gained two male roommates half way during the year. i'm going to miss being able to come home and take a nap after a long day of classes while watching tv with my partner in crime. Who can forget the countless late night/early morning sessions of just pure fun crew quality time. You should never underestimate the fun that can occur from 4 college students who don't want to be studying. Although the place lacked a living room we definitely "broke in" both Mayrin's and Steph's room. We added our own signatures to the place with pictures, socks n' underwear, forgetten items, and bags of McDonalds. In all the nights of fun and craziness we've had in that apt i don't think we've ever had drinks together at home which goes to show we can have our own fun without alcohol... Even though it was a bitch driving over all those speed bumps to get to home, it was nice to be able to have a parking spot to call my own. good old spaces #1 and #2 =)

here's to... afternoon naps*late night boba runs*analysis of dawson's creek*passions in the afternoon*apt basketball*high speed internet*weakest link*the daily routine (coming in, taking off shoes, putting stuff on desk, using the bathroom, crashing on the bed)*fun boys to bitch boys*printing schedules for the vp's*spring break planning*talking till 5 in the morning*timely farts*sleeping with a lawn mower*having the apt to myself*fun crew quality time*quality family time*LPCing it*speaking Mayrinese*3 flights of stairs*opening cotton fruit*washing cars*composing destiny's child road trip song*grad banquet meetings*reliving our teenage years with fresh prince and saved by the bell*bitching about school work*mayrin's tan and tatt*wall o' philip*mommy, daddy, big sis, and baby*messing with AIM*jumping on the bed*waking up neighbors*fire alarms while dying hair*and smiling just becuase i'm with you guys*

it still never ceases to amaze me that in such a short period of time people can get so close to each other... when friends can read you to the point where they know what you're going to do even before you do it that's something special... and maybe it's because we spend so much damn time together, but to be honest I never get tried of coming home... although at times i feel that i shouldn't go or that i'm not in the mood...but once i'm there it tears me apart to leave...

okie okie, i think i've saturated you all with enough romantizism of Mayrin and Steph's apartment... just wanted to conclude this by saying it's not so much the place that made it special but the people in it... =) next time i'll be reporting to you all from LA!

Friday, June 15, 2001

And then there were none...

I'm done with finals! Woo hoo! I finished my last ochem exam ever yesterday morning at 8. It still hasn't hit me though that summer is upon me and i can finally relax, in fact when i went back to mayrin's for a nap i was still feeling a bit stressed. It's about 4 in the morning and i can't decide whether or not to sleep or just stay up for the hell of it.

my summer movie project is slowly coming back together... yeah i know, i was supposed to film itlast summer, but things just didn't work out and more or less there were scripting problems from the beginning. i was inspired by a short 2 minute movie i watched on instead of a 30 minute piece i've decided to think small and do a shorter 5 minute movie on mah-jongg which has consumed as much of my life as fun crew has. hopefully when i return from LA i'll have a script and storyboard drawn up. definitely some very exciting things to look forward to in the summer. in addition to the myriad of summer movies to hit the screens this summer you all can look forward to my short film that'll be posted on the web at least before school gets back. =)

Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Grand Finale...

7:29*CLICS*Second Floor

12 hours till zero hour... yes siree, my final exam of the year is fast approaching... i'm excited at the prospect of a nice long relaxing summer, but before any of that can happen i have to face this damn ochem final... i studied on the bottom floor of Giesel where surprisingly i got a lot of shit done... now i'm back to CLICS where sadly my progress isn't at the same madman's pace... anywho, two more chapters to finish and a whole mess load of review problems and old final exams to shift through... just now i took a look at my professor's old final exam from a couple of years back and nothing on that test looked remotely familiar... damn! oh wells, dinner break in two... no maybe three hours from now...

11:50pm*Home*Living Room

dai jia hao! yer prolly all wondering what im' doing at home when i should still be over at CLICS studying... well, with the promise of steak at home i just couldn't resist going back home for a filling dinner and was it worth it? hells yeah it was! who knew that a simple slab of meat could ease my tension and rejuvenate me? at around 10:00 at CLICS i was pretty bunrt out as Armando and Steph Ng could tell you... and to be perfectly honest i'm just sick of this shit called ochem... but after taking a hot shower and eating a wonderful steak i realized that the summer will be about 3 months of just relaxing and that one night of missed sleep is nothing especially if i can get a good great out of it... so yeah i'd feel better sleeping now but i'd much rather feel shitty, red eyed, and tired during my final and get a good grade than to just barely pass the motherflower.... okie.. i wasted enough time ranting... back to the books...

Tuesday, June 12, 2001

Day Three, Study Marathon

1:52*Home*Living Room

Happy to say i think i kicked some butt on my ochem lab final =) it was actually a pretty fair and straightforward test... most of the credit for that will have to go to the 12 hours i spent at CLICS on sunday... =P' as soon as i'm doing typing this out i'm back to the library for another study jam...

side used to be last quarter i'd spend all my money on food... i'd go out to eat for lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack... then somewhere down the line i realized that i was actually getting a potbelly! i've tried to cut my eating down or at least eat more healthy and instead what i'm doing is usually eating about on average only 2 meals a day... but now to my discovery... i was having lunch at FINS, one of my favorite places to eat, and i couldn't finish my food! usually i can finish my food with some room to spare but today i was only able to finish a fish taco and half my chicken burrito... maybe my stomach shrank? i dunno... but this will prolly help me to lose the gut i've acquired this past month...

7:51pm*CLICS*First Floor

i'm just thinking about how great it's going to be next quarter... no more ochem! this is my last ochem class ever!!!! *sigh* only 2 more days to go...

Sunday, June 10, 2001

Day Two, Study Marathon

9:30pm*Second Home*Steph's Room

I've become saturated with organic chem... and to be perfectly honest i think I'm ready to kick ass on this final. i'm actually pretty satisfied with the job i did yesterday at CLICS and i think that study time really helped me to be way ahead of schedule. my study plan for the rest of the night will just be to review my notes and do ochem problems which shouldn't be all too stressful. in fact, i'm watching "Who's wants to be a millionaire" as i type this out... Good luck to everyone who's studying their collective asses for this week's finals. Only one more week and we're free! =)

Saturday, June 09, 2001

The End Draws Near...

1:25pm*CLICS*2nd Floor

well, it's hour one into my study marathon and so far so good... half hour break over... back to ochem lab

4:12*CLICS*2nd Floor

4 hours into my study marathon and my progress is actually quite good. by my projections i should be done with ochem lab by 8-9ish. on a more interesting note, i think i might be kickin it with Ian over the summer in LA. my intership in LA with john hopkins has an open male RA, i passed Ian's name to the site director and hopefully they'll see what a great addition he'd be to the program. =) I can't wait for this week to end!

6:37*CLICS*2nd Floor

6 hours in my study marathon.... dayam i'm hungry...good news, i'm done with my ochem lab studying! i'm actually pretty pleased with myself though... i've been able to stay on track for the majority of my time in front of the computer which is amazing considering the fact I tend to do everything other than study when i'm front of a computer... i've scheduled a dinner break at 7:30 with my partner in crime and hopefully afterwards i come back to school to finish this marathon till the closing of CLICS. "That's right folks, we'll be here till 1 in the morning and we need your generous donations! Please call in... we have operators ready and waiting to take your call... and we'll return to the Reggie Saldivar Study Marathon after these short messages..."

9:39*CLICS*1st Floor

Just got back to the library after a 2hour dinner break with my kids, the "baby" and "toddler"... my insipration to study has waned ever since i stepped foot back in the library... hopefully when i get into a study room i'll be more academic... room 327 from 10pm-1am... right now i'm charged with food and caffeine so it should be a good night of studying...

4:03am*Home*Living Room
even with the 2 hour dinner break i was able to stay at CLICS till 1, in fact i ended up studying till 2am! i'm actually quite proud of myself... =) anywho, the feeling of depression which has really affected me for the past week has finally subsided... i think having this ochem lab final under control has something to do with it... i'll leave the details out and save it for another blog... *yawn* definitely, the end is near...

Monday, June 04, 2001

Weekend Update with Reggie Saldivar

This weekend was kicked off with PERMzookie's final mah-jong game before Emiko leaves for Japan. The night was filled with crazy dares, alcohol induced craziness, and or course plenty of memories to span the year we'll be apart. Check out my partner in crime's blog for a more detailed account of the night.

Friday, June 01, 2001

My Daily List...

moment of happiness... rolling around in my empty apartment after measuring the rooms, never underestimate the sheer giddiness that clean and new carpeting can bring!

moment of friendship... eating at McDonalds with Angeline, something i haven't enjoyed since fall quarter...

moment of anticipation... finding out there's a brand new boba place on convoy to try out and the Joy Luck Club plays again this friday! woo hoo!

moment of academia... sitting down in S&E and searching through stacks of IR spectrum only to find out I can't possibly identify my compound for ochem lab... cursing the words "i'm fucked" under my breath is an understatement...

moment of iron chefism... making pork and ginger dumplings as a midnight snack...

moment of peace... driving home with all the windows down. moon roof open, and the radio off...

moment of regret... seeing my dad after coming home early and having nothing to say as i jet off back to school...